Grand Jubilé

des 350 ans des apparitions

de Jésus à sainte Marguerite-Marie

"Rendre amour pour amour"

The prayer

Lord Jesus, you revealed to St Margaret Mary your Heart, which is so passionate with love for all men and for each one in particular. Today, you invite us to draw from the source of your Heart, which remains open more than ever.

In this sacrament of Love which is the Eucharist,

We offer to you our tiredness and our weariness : grant us rest ;

We show you our suffering and our injury : comfort us and heal us ;

We reveal to you our harshness of heart : change us in gentleness and humility ;

We put before you our ungratefulness and our indifference : may we render to you love for love ;

We tell you of our thirst for loving you and for spreading the good news about you : send us out in the power of your Holy Spirit.

Lord, we consecrate ourselves to your Heart, furnace burning with charity (meditate in silence). Make us instruments which draw hearts to your Love. Make us burn with your compassion in order to bear witness to the world of this Heart, which has loved us so much. Amen.

Imprimatur of Mgr Rivière, Bishop of Autun, Châlon and Mâcon

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