Step 2: Ten Good Reasons to Consecrate Yourself to the Heart of Jesus

The dynamic of consecration that we propose involves a dual upward and downward movement: on one hand, personal and family consecrations prepare for the consecration of a parish (upward movement); on the other hand, the consecration of a parish encourages personal and family consecrations (downward movement). Similarly, the consecrations of dioceses and episcopal conferences prepare for the consecration of the Church, which in turn encourages these consecrations from different episcopal conferences.

The objective of this second step is to highlight the importance of personal consecration, as well as family, parish, etc., so that all the faithful, laity and priests, are mobilised for 27 June 2025.

Why should I consecrate myself to the Heart of Jesus? Why consecrate my family, my parish, my diocese?

Discovering the spirituality of the Sacred Heart To (re)discover the treasures of the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus. As we will see in this journey, we have here a true treasure … forgotten or poorly known. The 350th jubilee and this journey help us see its relevance and beauty for us.

  1. Renewing my baptism To profoundly renew my baptismal consecration and the promises of my baptism.
  2. Welcoming God’s love for me To experience the Lord’s love for me, listen to the beating of His Heart, and welcome divine mercy more deeply into my life.
  3. Mission To make known to people of our time this incredible message of love and hope that the Heart of Jesus offered to the world through Saint Margaret Mary. Immersing in the Heart of Jesus fuels my missionary desire to make His Love known. The spirituality of the Sacred Heart is accessible to all; it is a popular devotion and an entry point into the Church.
  4. Contagion To lead others into this consecration to the Heart of Jesus: my family, my parish, or my diocese.
  5. Communion with the whole world The 350th jubilee of the apparitions of the Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque at the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial offers a unique opportunity to live together, in communion with the whole world that will enter into the same movement of consecration to the Sacred Heart on 27 June 2025.
  6. Fruits for the family Consecration also refers to the consecration associated with the sacrament of marriage, and the fact that the family is the “domestic Church”, the first Church in a way. It shows Jesus as the true shepherd of our families, the “King of hearts”, who watches over all our affairs (family, professional, social) as soon as we give Him the first place in our hearts and homes.
  7. Renewal of the Church To participate in the renewal of the parish and the diocese. Devotion to the Sacred Heart fosters new Eucharistic fervour (celebration, adoration), which is the source of ecclesial communion and thus evangelisation by contagion (“See how they love each other”).
  8. Fruits for society For the fruits of peace and social justice, as Pope Francis reminded in Ecuador on 8 July 2015: “I think I must share with you as a message from Jesus: all the wealth you have, spiritual wealth, devotion, depth, comes from the courage – because those were very difficult times – the courage to consecrate the Nation to the Heart of Christ, this divine and human Heart that loves us so much.”
  9. Returning love for love Rather than despairing over our personal mediocrities, family difficulties, the state of the Church, our country, and the world, let us offer ourselves to the Lord, give ourselves to Him without reservation, totally, “for the glory of God and the salvation of the world”, according to the words of the Eucharistic prayer of the Roman Canon. We are truly invited to return love for love!