Grand Jubilé

des 350 ans des apparitions

de Jésus à sainte Marguerite-Marie

"Rendre amour pour amour"

3rd stage The chapel of the Apparitions

3rd stage The chapel of the Apparitions

The way

Before going into the Chapel of the Apparitions, I pause. This is now the heart of the jubilee way. Going through the jubilee Door, is to show my desire to enter the Heart of Jesus to make it my abode, to let myself be consumed by the burning flames of his love. I go in to devote my heart and my life to the Sacred Heart.

Word of God

When they came to Jesus, they saw that he was already dead, so they did not break his legs. One of the soldiers, however, plunged his spear into Jesus’ side and at once blood and water poured out. The one who saw this happen has spoken of it, and what he said is true ; and he knows that he speaks the truth, so that you also believe (Jn 19: 33-35).

Texts from saint Margaret-Mary

– My divine Heart is so passionate with love for men, and for you in particular, that no longer being able to contain within itself the flames of its burning charity, it must spread then through you.
– He asked me for my heart. I begged him to take it. He put it in his adorable Heart, in which mine was like a small atom, being consumed in this burning furnace. Taking it out like a burning flame, in the shape of a heart, he put it back from where he had taken it, saying to me: « Here, my beloved, is a precious pledge of my love, which shows in your side as a small spark of its most vivid flames, to serve you as a heart. »
– And as for entering his sacred Heart, what do you have to fear, since he invites you to rest there ? Is this not the throne of mercy, where the most wretched are received, provided that love presents them in the depths of their misery ? And if we are cowardly, cold, impure and imperfect, is it not in a burning furnace that we should perfect and purify ourselves, like gold in the crucible, to act as a living host, slaughtered and sacrificed for his adorable ends ? So do not fear abandoning yourself without reservation to his loving providence, since the child will not perish in the arms of an all-powerful father.


After sufficiently enjoying the burning desire of Jesus to communicate the fire, which dwells in the furnace of his Heart, I can respond by expressing my desire to be consumed. It is the meaning of the consecration that I can say.

Lord Jesus, you revealed to saint Margaret Mary your Heart, which is so passionate with love for all men and for each of us in particular. Today you invite us to draw fromthe source of your Heart, which remains more than ever open.
In this Sacrament of Love which is the Eucharist, we offer you our tiredness and weariness: give us rest ;
We show you our sufferings and injuries: console us and cure us ;
We put before you our harshness of heart: transform us in gentleness and humility ;
We lay before you our ingratitude and indifference: may we return to you love for love ;
We express to you our thirst to love you and to spread the Good News: send us out in the power of your Holy Spirit.
Lord, we devote ourselves to your Heart, burning furnace of charity (pray in silence). Make us into instruments, which attract hearts to your Love. Make us burn with your compassion to bear witness to the world of this Heart, which has loved us so much.

Toward the next stage

Walking to the Chapel of La Colombière, I can pray my rosary.

On the large bead of the decade, pray:
Jesus, gentle and humble in heart,
make my heart like yours.

On each small bead, repeat:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I put all my trust in you and I love you.