Grand Jubilé

des 350 ans des apparitions

de Jésus à sainte Marguerite-Marie

"Rendre amour pour amour"

2nd stage - Saint John Chapel

2nd stage - Saint John Chapel

The way

As I go into the saint John Chapel, I let myself be touched by the quality of a presence. It is the presence of Jesus, exposed on the altar. After prostrating myself in front of my Lord, I can remain kneeling or seated. I slowly read the texts of saint Margaret Mary, so as to let myself be filled by the burning love of Jesus, and to tell him in my turn that I love him in response to his call of pain and thirst.

Word of God

Jesus said to Simon Peter: « Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these others do ? » He answers: « Yes, Lord ! You know that I love you ». A second time Jesus said to him: « Simon, son of John, do you love me ? » He answers: « Yes, Lord ! You know that I love you. » A third time, Jesus said: « Simon, son of John, do you love me ? » Peter was sad because Jesus asked him a third time: « Do you love me ? » And he answered: « Lord, you know everything: you know that I love you. » (Jn 21: 15-17)

Texts from saint Margaret-Mary

– Love holds It there, by the Blessed Sacrament
– This loving heart which has loved man so much that It was wholly consumed on the wood of the Cross, in order to bear witness to his love and to continue to do so in the Blessed Sacrament ! 
– And he showed me the burning desire that he had to be loved by man: « I am thirsty, but with such a burning thirst to be loved by man in the Blessed Sacrament, that this thirst consumes me. »
– Here is this Heart which has loved man so much, that It has spared nothing to the point of being exhausted and consumed to bear witness to them of his love ; and in recognition from most of them, I only receive ingratitude, through their irreverence and sacrilege, and by the coldness and scorn they have for me in this Sacrament of love.
– But, at least give me this pleasure to compensate for their ingratitude, as long as you will be able to do so.


After taking sufficient time to let myself be touched by the love of Jesus in the Eucharist, I move towards the altar and kneel (if I can) at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament. There, I tell Jesus that I love him. I thank him for his love and for his presence in the Blessed Sacrament. I express to him my desire to love him, for those who don’t love him, and to make amends for the pain that he suffers because of the ingratitude of men.
I can finish this stage with the prayer that the angel gave to the children of Fatima:

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of poor sinners..

Toward the next stage

Whilst walking to the Chapel of the Apparitions, I can pray my rosary. On each bead of the decade, I repeat:

On the large bead of the decade, pray:
Jesus, gentle and humble in heart,
make my heart like yours

On each small bead, repeat:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I place all my trust in You and I love you.

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