
Come to save us

From Today, we are entering the period of preparation for Christmas, where the liturgy has us sing the “great Ô Antiphons”. We suggest presenting these Antiphons day by day, followed by a meditation which links them to the mystery of the Heart of Jesus.

“Ô Wisdom from the mouth of the Most High, you who revolves around the Universe with force and gentleness, teach us the way of truth, come Lord, come to save us !”

 Jesus tells us that He is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14). Moreover, st John also tells us that Jesus is the Word (wisdom from the mouth of the Most High), through whom everything has been made. (John 1).

It is He who “rules over the Universe with force and gentleness”. Contemplating the pierced Heart of Jesus from where flow blood and water, we enter through the “Holy Door”, wide open for us, the mystery of our Lord, meek and humble, and at the same time all powerful ; He opens the way for us to quench our thirst in his Truth and already participate in his Life.

Prayer :

Heart of Jesus, substantionally united with the Word of God, have mercy on us.

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