
The Holy Scripture

st John, the Evangelist

« The one who saw this happen has spoken of it, so that you also may believe. What he said is true. This was done to make the Scriptures come true. » (John 19).

 On this feast of st John the Evangelist, we join he who was called « the disciple who Jesus loved » ;  after resting on the Heart of the Lord on the Thursday during the final meal, the next day he was at the foot of the Cross, and is a passionate witness of the piercing of the Heart of Jesus.  And he proclaims that through this Event, the meaning of the Scriptures was fulfilled.

« The Heart of Christ points to the Holy Scripture… This Heart was closed before the Passion, for Scripture was unclear. But Scripture was opened up after the Passion, because those who henceforth have the ability to consider and discern how the prophecies should be interpreted. » (Catholic Church Catechism, paragraph 112).

Prayer :

Heart of Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High, have mercy on us.