
Day 4 : Carrying one’s cross

Jesus is walking in front of you. Follow him !

 « What about you ? » he asked them. « Who do you say I am ? » Peter answered, «  You are the Messiah. » (…) « If anyone wants to come with me », He told them, « he must forget self, carry his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his own life, will lose it ; but whoever loses his life for me, will save it.  Do people gain anything if they win the whole world but lose their life ? » (Mark 8 : 29-34)

 Do not fear !

Word of Claude

Lord, may your will be done and not mine. I bless you with all my heart, I thank you for what your commands accomplish in me. (…) I am convinced that you wanted all these things and I would prefer to die rather than oppose (…) your most holy will. May your will be done ! Yes my God, all that you want from me, and from all men, today and for ever, in the heavens and on the earth : may your will be done ; but may it be done on earth as in heaven. Amen ! (From the submission of the will of God.)

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