
Rising Sun

“Ô rising Sun, splendor of justice and eternal light, enlighten those who live in darkness and the shadow of death, come, Lord, come and save us !”

 The father of John the Baptist, Zechariah, sings in his thanksgiving cantique (Luke 1) this “He will cause the bright dawn of salvation to rise on us and to shine from heaven on all those who live in the dark shadow of death”, a sign of the “feelings of the Heart of our God”” (ibid.). The Heart of Jesus, comet of life, “Sun of justice with healing in its rays” (Malachi 3, see above), comes to pierce the shadows of our lives. This is particularly significant on this December 21st, as we enter the longest night of the year. On the other hand, the Virgin Mary evoked this passage of Malachi 3 in order to describe the Heart of Her Divine Son, during the great vision of July 2nd 1688… the vision st Margaret Mary had.

Prayer :

eart of Jesus, highly worthy of all praises, have mercy on us.

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