
DAY 2 : Amazement

Jesus is all powerful. Follow him !

When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he fell on his knees before Jesus and said, « Go away from me ? Lord ! I am a sinful man ! » He and the others were all amazed at  the large number of fish they had caught ; the same was true of Simon’s partners, James and John, the sons of Zebedee.  Jesus said to Simon : « Don’t be afraid ; from now on you will be catching people. » (Luke 5 : 8-11)

Do not fear !

Jesus is all powerful. Follow him !

Word of Claude

 Mercy warns us, accompanies us everywhere, It surrounds us all around ; it is to this we owe all that we are ; it is from this that we are waiting for all we are hoping for, and we would not let the whole universe know ? Wouldn’t we dare talk of It ?… Help me, Divine Spirit, to spread  all the richness of this infinite love You have for sinners. I beg You for this grace in the name of Mary who is your Spouse and their Advocate. (From God’s Mercy).

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