« It was late that Sunday evening and the disciples were gathered together behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities. Then Jesus came and stood among them. « Peace be with you », he said. After saying this he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord. Jesus said to them again « Peace be with you. »
At the beginning of the New Year, we beg you for the gift of Peace, in these times troubled by so many various trials, which bear the risk of shutting us into fear or boredom… This Peace, only Jesus can grant us : « Peace is what I leave with you ; it is my own peace that I give to you. »(John 14). And He gives it to them through his open Heart : « He showed them his Hands and his Side ». In our spiritual readings, in our time of prayer, let us listen, with the disciples who « were filled with joy at the sight of the Lord », the voice of Jesus tells us again : « Peace be with you ! ».
Prayer :
Adorable Heart ! Happiness of Heaven ! It is Him : I can feel it, I recognise his ardour ; let us give in, my heart to his beloved empire.