I reject negative words and I whisper life giving words.
The negatives words that we hear about ourselves hurt us, as well as those we say about ourselves !
We nurture our spirit with negative words, like self-flagellation : « I am stupid », « I cannot do anything », « I am good for nothing », « I cannot help it ». These words, on top of being false, are very toxic for ourselves ; they destroy us, discourage us and distance us from ourselves.
God, in the Bible, gives us numerous words of hope : «How marvellous am I, how marvellous your works » (Psalm 139 : 14) . « You are precious to me and I love you » (Isaiah 43 : 4) « I am the Lord, your Saviour ; I am the one who created you » (Isaiah 44 : 24) « I have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness » (John 10 : 10).
I choose a life giving word which cures me and I repeat is several times a day. I reiterate it each time a negative word comes on my lips.