
Gentle and humble in spirit

« Come to me all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in spirit ; and you will find rest. » (Matthew 11)

 It is the only place in the Scripture, where Jesus Himself speaks of his Heart. Yesterday we remembered the wise men, who put down symbolically all their treasures, material as well as cultural, and spiritual at the foot of the Child. They bowed before Him, they « espoused » the gentleness and humility of his Heart. In our turn, let us lay down all these multitude of treasures, which so often are also burdens for us, and which get in the way of our path towards sainthood, towards the configuration of our being with Jesus, who « rich as He was, He made Himself poor, for  your sake, in order to make you rich by means of his poverty. » (2 Corinthians 8)

Prayer :

Lord Jesus, sweet and humble in heart, make our hearts like Yours.

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